100 Business Math Questions and Answers (The Complete MBA CourseWork Series Book 2)

100 Business Math Questions and Answers (The Complete MBA CourseWork Series Book 2)

B. inggris Change the sentences into passive voice :
1. He fixs the car
2. The old man swept the road
3. The young woman gave some instructions to the workers
4. My mother always cooks some fried potatoes
5. She will send the package tonight
6. I prepared some documents last night
7. They took some photographs there
8. You will attend the party tomorrow​

Change the sentences into passive voice :
1. He fixs the car
2. The old man swept the road
3. The young woman gave some instructions to the workers
4. My mother always cooks some fried potatoes
5. She will send the package tonight
6. I prepared some documents last night
7. They took some photographs there
8. You will attend the party tomorrow​
  1. The car is fixed by him
  2. The road was swept by the old man
  3. Some instructions were given to the workers by the young woman
  4. Some fried potatoes are always cooked by my mother
  5. The package will be sent by her tonight
  6. Some documents were prepared by me last night
  7. Some photographs are took by them there
  8. The party will be attended by you tomorrow