100 Business Math Questions and Answers (The Complete MBA CourseWork Series Book 2)

100 Business Math Questions and Answers (The Complete MBA CourseWork Series Book 2)

Fisika hitunglah

a. panjang gelombang
b. frekuensi
c.cepat rambat​


a. panjang gelombang
b. frekuensi
c.cepat rambat​

L = 1,5 λ

0,75 = 1,5 λ

λ = 0,75/1,5

λ = 0,5 m

F = n/t

F = 1,5/0,035

F = 42,85 Hz

T = 1/F

T = 1/42,85

T = 0,0233 s

V = λ.f

V = 0,5 × 42,85

V = 21,425 m/s
